What are the Types of Weight Loss Surgery?

Weight loss surgeries can be applied to help people who have excess weight problems and who cannot get rid of their excess weight with regular diet and exercise. Today, obesity has become a very serious health problem, and it is possible to apply different procedures within the scope of obesity surgery. On the other hand, depending on the patient’s degree of obesity, body mass index value, general health status, age and other similar factors, the weight loss surgery to be applied may vary.


Weight loss surgery can also be called bariatric surgery. In patients with obesity problems, bariatric surgery procedures, that is, weight loss surgeries, can be applied in order to achieve higher weight loss in a shorter time. Weight loss surgeries play an important role in the treatment of various health problems such as type-2 diabetes and hypertension, as well as weight loss of the patient, and can be applied to patients who meet certain conditions.

 One of the main factors taken into consideration in deciding the suitability of patients for weight loss surgery is the body mass index, which is calculated by the patient’s height and weight values. Although many patients do regular diet and exercise to get rid of their excess weight, it is not always possible to get successful results. It is possible to talk about the need to lose more weight in a shorter time, especially in people who are overweight.

 Weight Loss Surgery Should Be Planned on a Case-by-Case Basis

 Although it is possible to apply different weight loss surgeries to patients within the scope of obesity surgery, the weight loss surgery to be applied should be determined by evaluating many factors specific to the patient.

 Gastric Balloon

 One of the most frequently applied procedures for weight loss is called a gastric balloon. The procedure is performed by endoscopy while the patient is under mild anesthesia. The food intake capacity of the stomach is reduced by filling a special balloon with liquid or air and reaching a certain volume. Thus, the patient begins to feel full in a shorter time and with less food.

 The gastric balloon, which remains in the stomach for 6 to 12 months, is removed by the endoscopic method. There is no permanent change in the body in the gastric balloon method. If the patient does not change their lifestyle after the procedure and does not make a healthy eating program and regular exercise a part of their life, undesirable situations such as regaining weight after the gastric balloon is removed may be encountered. The gastric balloon is a method that can be applied to super-obese patients who are in the high-risk group for bariatric surgery procedures, whose excess weight is not so much as to require surgical procedures, or who want to prepare for basic morbid bariatric surgery.

 Gastric Sleeve

 In gastric sleeve surgery, which is an obesity surgery procedure applied with the closed method, 80% to 90% of the patient’s stomach is removed, and the stomach is given a sleeve shape. After the method in which the patient’s calorie intake is restricted, patients consume liquid for the first week, and soft and pureed foods for the following two weeks. Then the normal nutrition process can be started.

 During gastric sleeve surgery, the fundus part of the stomach is removed. This also means preventing the release of the hormone Ghrelin, in other words reducing the patient’s appetite. After gastric sleeve surgery, patients may need to take vitamin supplements.

 Gastric Bypass

 Within the scope of gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is divided into two parts, namely one small and one large. During the connection of the newly formed small stomach, a part from the beginning of the small intestine and the duodenum are bypassed. Thus, the patient’s calorie intake and absorption of consumed nutrients are also reduced.

 Gastric bypass surgery has a remarkable effect on eliminating obesity and health problems caused by obesity. After surgery, patients may need to take vitamin supplements for a long time. After gastric bypass surgery, patients are advised to seek support from a nutritionist or dietitian.

 Duodenal Switch

 Since the duodenal switch directly affects the metabolism, it provides more weight loss. It is a bariatric surgery procedure that restricts food intake and reduces the absorption of food taken. It provides effective results, especially in patients with a body mass index of more than 50. It is effective in the treatment of diseases such as hypertension, type-2 diabetes, and high cholesterol caused by being overweight.

 Mini Gastric Bypass

 Mini gastric bypass is a more easily performed modification of gastric bypass surgery. It is clear that mini gastric bypass surgery, which is performed by creating a stomach pouch and connecting it with the small intestine 2 meters after the beginning, has a great effect on the weight loss of the patient and curing type-2 diabetes.

 Who Can Have Weight Loss Surgery?

 Weight loss surgery can be applied to people who regularly diet and exercise to get rid of their excess weight, try all other treatment methods, but cannot achieve the desired result. However, this does not mean that weight loss surgery can be performed on every patient with the aforementioned characteristics.

 Various factors, especially the patient’s body mass index, are evaluated when deciding whether the patient is suitable for bariatric surgery and, if appropriate, which weight loss surgery will be preferred. Patients with a body mass index of 40 and above are considered candidates for bariatric surgery procedures. Weight loss surgery may be considered for patients with a body mass index between 35 and 40 but who have problems such as type-2 diabetes, hypoventilation syndrome, heart disease, high triglyceride levels, sleep apnea, and fatty liver.

Gastric Sleeve Common Problems

1. Acid Reflux or GERD After a gastric sleeve procedure, some patients may experience new or worsening symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This condition

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