Weight Loss Surgery
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Weight loss surgery is an obesity or bariatric surgery procedure that has been used quite frequently in recent years. Today, obesity has become a growing health problem as a result of a high-calorie diet and a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, overweight problems may be caused by genetic, psychological, physiological, or environmental factors that vary for each person.
Obesity is a problem that increases rapidly all over the world and causes health problems that can threaten the life of the person if not controlled. In cases where regular diet and exercise are not sufficient to obtain effective results in the treatment of obesity, bariatric surgical procedures can be utilized as an effective solution method, especially if the patient has serious health problems caused by being overweight.
Particularly, in cases where serious health problems such as type-2 diabetes or sleep apnea are experienced due to obesity, bariatric surgery, i.e. weight loss surgery, may be required for a permanent and effective treatment. Bariatric surgical procedures can help patients lose weight in a permanent way, helping to improve many health problems caused by excess weight. However, in order to achieve the desired benefit, patient selection should be made according to certain criteria, and the right patient should be matched with the right bariatric surgery procedure.
Although the first and most important step of obesity treatment is to prevent obesity, if this cannot be achieved, i.e. if a healthy diet and daily physical activity habits cannot be gained from childhood, it may become required to benefit from weight loss surgeries within the scope of obesity surgery.
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Is Weight Loss Surgery Suitable for Me?
One of the increasingly widespread procedures today, weight loss surgery is performed in order to eliminate health problems that are caused by excess weight and that negatively affect the quality of life and even threaten life. In other words, weight loss surgery is not a surgical method applied for cosmetic purposes. However, in order to maintain the gains obtained due to weight loss surgery, the patient should make some changes in their lifestyle and eating habits.
When it comes to weight loss surgery performed within the scope of obesity surgery, it is possible to mention more than one method. These methods basically aim to reduce the stomach capacity and the amount of food consumed by the patient accordingly, or to shorten the intestinal surface that absorbs the food taken, or to provide both effects. As a result of the application, both obesity and many metabolic problems related to obesity can be treated.
Weight loss surgery is applied with different methods, and the way each one is applied and the patient group to which it will be applied may vary. For this reason, the only way to understand whether weight loss surgery is suitable for a specific person is to consult a specialist and experienced doctor in the field of obesity surgery. After the necessary examinations and evaluations are made, it is decided whether the patient is suitable for weight loss surgery or not.
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Are Weight Loss Surgeries Risky?
Since weight loss surgeries are surgical procedures, they carry some risks. In addition to the risks encountered in all surgical procedures, it may be possible to encounter different risks depending on the bariatric surgery procedure, although it is rare. In other words, the possible risks to be encountered in weight loss surgeries can be classified as the risks associated with the surgical procedure and the risks associated with rapid weight loss and restricted food intake.
The general risks encountered in weight loss surgeries include excessive bleeding, anesthesia risks, lung and respiratory problems, infection development, blood coagulation, gastrointestinal leaks, ulcers, gallstones, vomiting, hernia, and diarrhea.
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What are the Types of Weight Loss Surgery?
As a result of the developments in technology and medicine, various weight loss surgeries are used within bariatric surgery procedures. The weight loss surgery to apply should be decided specific to the patient, considering all factors.
Gastric Balloon: Gastric balloon is one of the most frequently used methods for weight loss. During the gastric balloon procedure applied with the endoscopic method, the patient is administered light anesthesia. The balloon filled with liquid or air in the stomach is placed within approximately 15-20 minutes. Depending on the procedure, the food intake capacity of the patient’s stomach is reduced, allowing it to be full with less food and in a shorter time.
The gastric balloon can remain in the body for a period of 6 months to 1 year. It can be easily removed by the endoscopic method. It is a practical method that is performed without making any permanent changes in the body. After the balloon is removed, there is a risk of regaining the weight as long as the patient does not change their lifestyle, eat healthily and follow a regular diet. The gastric balloon can be applied to patients in the high-risk group for surgery, patients who are not overweight enough to require a surgical procedure, or super obese patients in preparation for basic morbid bariatric surgery.
Gastric Sleeve: It is a procedure in which 80 – 90% of the stomach is removed and the stomach is turned into a sleeve. As a result of the procedure applied with the closed method, the patient’s calorie intake is restricted. After the surgery, patients consume liquids for the first week and puree and soft foods for the next two weeks. Afterwards, they can start to consume normal food. By removing the fundus region of the stomach completely during the surgery, the release of the ghrelin hormone is prevented and thus the person’s appetite is reduced. Vitamin supplements may be required after surgery.
After the surgery, foods should be chewed thoroughly and consumed in small portions. Refined sugar, high-calorie foods and drinks should be avoided and regular exercise should be done.
Gastric Bypass: It is a method in which the stomach is divided into two parts, namely one large and one small. After the new small stomach is formed, they are united again after a part of the beginning of the small intestine and the duodenum are bypassed. Thus, the patient’s calorie intake is restricted, and the absorption of consumed food is reduced. It is an effective procedure that ensures the elimination of obesity and health problems caused by obesity. Patients may need to take vitamins for a long time after surgery. It is useful to get support from a nutritionist or dietitian about nutrition.
Duodenal Switch: It is a bariatric surgery procedure that provides more weight loss due to its direct effect on metabolism. It is considered an effective method especially for people with a body mass index of more than 50. It is a procedure in which both food intake is restricted and the absorption of consumed food is reduced. It is also an effective method in the treatment of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol caused by being overweight.
Since it is an application that reduces fat absorption, the duodenal switch provides good results for patients who consume fatty foods. Although it is one of the weight loss surgeries that provide the most weight loss among bariatric surgery procedures, it is less frequently used due to the excess of complications during and after the surgery. After duodenal switch surgery, the incidence of chronic malodorous diarrhea and vitamin and protein deficiencies caused by decreased fat absorption is high.
Mini Gastric Bypass: It is a modification of gastric bypass, and it is easier to apply. As part of the surgery, a long stomach pouch is created. The stomach pouch is combined with the small intestine piece 2 meters from the beginning. The operation time is shorter and the cost is more affordable, while the effect of treating and weakening type 2 diabetes is high. Disadvantages of mini gastric bypass surgery include the inability to image the rest of the stomach, except for the formed pouch, endoscopically in the postoperative period, and the need for long-term vitamin intake.
Who is Eligible for Weight Loss Surgery?
Weight loss surgery can be applied to people who have not achieved the desired result despite trying all other treatment methods before the surgical procedure. Before a weight loss surgery suitability and the type of surgery are decided, the patient’s health status should be evaluated in detail. In addition, the patient should not have a condition that prevents them from being anesthetized.
When evaluating weight loss surgery, one of the most important criteria is the patient’s body mass index. Patients with a body mass index of 40 and above are considered candidates for bariatric surgery. People with a body mass index between 35 and 40 can have weight loss surgery if they experience health problems such as type 2 diabetes, high triglyceride levels, hypoventilation syndrome, sleep apnea syndrome, heart disease, and fatty liver. People with a body mass index between 30 and 35 can be candidates for weight loss surgery if they have type 2 diabetes and if their blood sugar cannot be controlled by medical treatments.
Who is Eligible for Weight Loss Surgery?
It is not possible to talk about a definite upper age limit in weight loss surgeries because the decision of suitability for weight loss surgery is made after the evaluations made for each patient. Being in a certain age range does not necessarily mean that a person can have weight loss surgery. A decision should be made by evaluating many different factors such as the patient’s age, body mass index, health problems caused by being overweight, general health status, and whether there is a condition that prevents surgery.