Transit Bipartition Surgery
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What Is Transit Bipartisan Surgery?
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How Is Transit Bipartisan Surgery Performed?
The operation is performed by applying closed surgery, i.e. laparoscopic surgery method. During the operation, both the surgeon, anesthesiologist, assistant and related assistants are present. In addition to the basic criteria such as the patient’s age, height, weight, it is evaluated with sub – criteria and the anesthesiologist provides anesthesia-sedation effective drugs to make the patient fully ready for the operation. The operation is carried out in two stages. In the first stage there is a direct limitation of the stomach. Although it varies from patient to patient, about 70% of the patients ‘ stomach is delivered to a dysfunctional position. In order to perform the operation, five cuts are made to the abdomen, the smallest of which is 0.5 mm and the largest is 2 cm. After the abdominal cavity stage, which is swollen by carbon dioxide gas, small tools are advanced from surgical cuts that are discarded.
The first stage of the operation is aimed at the stomach. In this framework, first of all, an average starting point of 6-8 cm is assumed from the exit area of the stomach. From this area, the tube is cut into the stomach in an upright position, similar to stomach surgery. This reduced stomach capacity is 70% of the normal stomach. In some patients, it is also discontinued to a lesser extent. The cut part of the stomach is removed from the body. Then, the small intestine and large intestine are marked by detecting a distance point of about 100 cm backwards from the intersection point. From this point on, the 1.5-meter intestine is separated. A total of 2.5 meters of intestinal structure is divided into two parts. The Associated binding procedure is performed by reaching the point where the stomach exits, where the end of the small intestine remaining on the lower side of the structure of the lower intestine is reduced.
The 2.5-meter decomposed 100-cm intestine is also attached to the end of the intestine, which is marked. In this way, the nutrients consumed are provided to reach the small intestine by following two separate paths. A third slice of the nutrients taken goes through the old gastrointestinal tract, and a two – third slice goes through the newly created two-and-a-half-meter new path. It is the part where the hormone GPL-1 is secreted in the newly created 2.5-meter small intestinal tract. When the consumed foods reach this small intestine, the secretion of a hormone called GPL-1 occurs immediately. Thanks to this hormone, insulin is secreted in the pancreas. Another benefit of GPL-1 hormone is that it increases the effectiveness of insulin in tissues as the hormone begins to secrete. In short, the GPL-1 hormone and insulin hormone, which are the target of the operation, are secreted and the necessary process for the treatment of diabetes is terminated here. Thanks to this hormone, insulin production in the pancreas is triggered, while the insulin capacity needed by the tissues is also obtained. Immediately after patient transit bipartisan surgery, insulin resistance will progress to near-normal levels, and in the long term, up to 95% improvements in Type 2 diabetes will be achieved.
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