- “My life has changed. I rediscovered myself.”
“If you have really made an effort to lose weight but have not been successful, I highly recommend you to take this path.”
They were my favorites in my previous life! Everybody concentrates on the physi- cal transformation. But the mental side of this transformation is more important for me. My life has changed completely. I rediscovered myself. My confidence has increased more than ever. I used to feel that all eyes were on me when I was walk- ing on the road. Now this feeling has disappeared. It’s a feeling that I can’t de- scribe with these words.
2 years later, I have lost 74 kilos. I reached my ideal weight. I am very happy with my current size. I never feel really hungry, but eat three small healthy meals a day. I don’t have the same capacity for large quantities of food – those days of my plate piled high with food are definitely gone forever! I have lost all desire for heavy, fatty foods like hamburgers and chips, or donuts.
They were my favorites in my previous life! Everybody concentrates on the physical transformation. But the mental side of this transformation is more important for me. My life has changed completely. I rediscovered myself. My confidence has increased more than ever. I used to feel that all eyes were on me when I was walking on the road. Now this feeling has disappeared. It’s a feeling that I can’t describe with these words.