Gastric Botox

Obesity is a condition in which the body contains more fat than is considered normal and experiences excess weight problems accordingly. In recent years, the number of people with obesity problems has been increasing not only in our country but also in the world, and obesity has become an extremely serious health problem. As a result, different methods have been developed and applied for obesity treatment. 

Among the methods of combating obesity, stomach Botox comes to the forefront with its high success rate. One of the most important factors for the success of the stomach Botox procedure is how well the patient adheres to the diet list prescribed to them after the application.

The weight to be lost by the patient after the stomach Botox procedure may vary depending on various factors, especially the current weight, for each patient. The general expectation for patients who have undergone stomach Botox is that the patient loses an average of 15% to 20% of their current weight. Stomach Botox is a method that maintains its effect for an average of 4 to 6 months. During this period, when the patient eats, the feeling of fullness occurs much faster and lasts for much longer. 

This period should be utilized well by the patient in order to gain healthy eating habits and establish appetite discipline. From this point of view, it can be stated that stomach Botox, which is not a surgical procedure, is not a treatment method on its own. The patient’s getting dietitian support after gastric Botox injection is considered an important factor that increases the success rate of the procedure.

What Is Gastric Botox?

Gastric Botox represents the process of injecting bacteria called “Botulinum toxin” into multiple points of the stomach. “Botulinum toxin”, a type of bacteria in the neurotoxic protein group, can allow food entering the stomach to be digested up to 4 times more slowly. In this way, individuals can achieve a feeling of satiety for longer, as well as a combination of slower digested foods and less food consumption. Gastric Botox, one of the obesity treatments, is simple and easy to apply. Surgery is not as effective as obesity treatments are permanent and intense. Suitable for overweight and obese patients with a body mass index below 40. It is not suitable for individuals with a body mass index value of 40 and above. The duration of action of this treatment, which provides limited functionality of the stomach muscles, is no more than 6 months. During this time, you can give 20 – 30 pounds and more. It is expected that you will use this period effectively until the mechanism of action is terminated, and you will acquire healthy eating habits by applying diet and exercise programs.

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    How Is Gastric Botox Performed?

    A surgical incision is not required for the application of Gastric Botox. First, the patient is put to sleep with the appropriate dose of sedation + anesthesia adjustment of the anesthesiologist. Since it is not a surgical operation, the dose of anesthesia has a 15 – 20-minute sleep capacity. After the anesthesia drugs are given, they are lowered from the patient’s mouth to the stomach via an Endoscopic Camera. The toxin is injected into various areas of the stomach. The process is so simple and fast. Sleeping, reaching the stomach, performing the necessary checks until reaching the stomach, including the stomach, does not exceed a total of 15 to 20 minutes with the injection process and exiting. A few minutes after the application is completed, you wake up in the patient’s room.


    After the injection process, the effects begin immediately, but you need 24 to 36 hours for a noticeable effect. After the first day, your feeling of satiety will be longer lasting. Stomach muscles will work slower than botulinum toxin-oriented. This, in turn, means a slower absorption directly. As your appetite decreases, you can start to weaken from the second week. It should be noted that the duration of action of this toxin application is no more than 6 months. The effect will gradually decrease with each passing month. After the effect ends, it is digested and removed from the body. As with Gastric balloon application, there is no removal process. Until the effect passes, you should follow the diet programs given through the dietitian, give up your old unhealthy – unbalanced and harmful eating habits and devote yourself to using this period in the most effective way. With stomach Botox, it is possible to lose weight up to 15% of your total body weight, and reducing or increasing the effects is entirely in your hands. After the application, you will be sent home after being kept under control for two hours.


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    How Is Stomach Botox Applied?

    Before the stomach Botox application, the patient is examined in detail, and the decision of suitability for the procedure is made specific to the patient. The patient, who is determined to be suitable for the operation, is administered sedation. The stomach is checked by the endoscopic method. Thus, it is checked whether the patient has stomach ailments such as gastritis, ulcer, wound, or duodenal ulcer. In cases where no problem is detected, the decision to continue the gastric Botox procedure is taken.

    After the patient is brought to the appropriate lying position, the gastroscopy device is delivered to the stomach. After the injector is extended into the stomach, Botox is injected into 8 to 10 different points in the fundus region of the stomach. Stomach Botox is completed within an average of 20 minutes, and the patient is awakened. The patient does not feel any pain, burning, or nausea during stomach Botox. 

    After the stomach Botox procedure, the nerves and muscles of the stomach that affect the appetite and feeling of hunger are deactivated for about 4 to 6 months. Thus, the patient’s appetite decreases in the post-application period, and the emptying time of the stomach is prolonged since the stomach muscles lose their ability to contract. The longer the food stays in the stomach, the longer the feeling of fullness is. Patients begin to feel full more quickly with less food. As a result, weight loss begins.

    Although carbohydrate foods leave the stomach within 2 to 4 hours under normal conditions in the human body, the emptying time of the stomach may extend up to 12 hours after gastric Botox is performed. Since stomach Botox is also applied to the parts of the stomach that provide hunger hormone, it plays an important role in reducing the patient’s appetite and prolonging the time of fullness. After the stomach Botox procedure, İt is possible to lose 40% of the excess weight and reach the ideal weight within about 6 to 8 months.

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    Is Stomach Botox Harmful?

    Stomach Botox is not a harmful procedure if it is applied to the right patient, who is suitable for the application, by experienced and expert doctors with the right techniques. Stomach Botox should be planned for the patient and applied meticulously so that stomach Botox does not cause any risk and the patient receives optimum benefit after the application.


    Botox is a substance that can harm many organs and systems of the patient if used excessively. Therefore, the injection points and the dose to be injected must be carefully determined. In case the injected Botox dose cannot be adjusted correctly and the Botox injection amount is much more than it should be, undesirable conditions such as heart rhythm disorder, heart attack, sudden death, stomach necrosis, and various neurological side effects may be encountered. Therefore, stomach Botox should be applied by doctors who are experts and experienced in the procedure.

    Who is Eligible for Stomach Botox?

    Stomach Botox can be applied to patients who have overweight problems and want to lose weight, but are not overweight enough to undergo bariatric surgery. Although stomach Botox can be applied to almost every patient who wants to lose weight, patient selection should be meticulous. 


    It may not be possible to obtain optimum benefit from stomach Botox in patients with a body mass index of 40 and above and who are likely to have successful results with bariatric surgery procedures. In addition, patients with health problems such as ulcers and gastritis should definitely complete the treatment process for these diseases before applying stomach Botox.

    Are There Any Side Effects of Stomach Botox?

    Although some people with overweight problems follow regular diet and exercise, they are not successful for various reasons. In case of overweight, especially at the obesity level, stomach Botox application can be applied. Gastric Botox provides effective results when applied to the right patient with the right techniques, but patients should be made aware of possible risks and side effects before the application.Since it is an endoscopic procedure and no surgical procedure is applied, stomach Botox causes serious risks if certain points are not taken into consideration. 

    Characterized by constant nausea and vomiting, Botox intolerance can be encountered after stomach Botox. In this case, which can cause pain in the stomach area, taking medication for treatment may come to the fore. However, if the patient’s quality of life is adversely affected, there is a risk that gastric Botox is not planned.

    Although rare, stomach ulcers may occur. Medication may be required to suppress hydrochloric acid production in the stomach. In Botox injection, there is a risk of developing a narrowing in the intestine if reliable and poor quality materials are used and the body has difficulty in discharging the Botox substance. In case of intestinal obstruction, emergency surgery may be required.

    The patient’s inability to lose weight at all or insufficient weight loss may be among the risks of stomach Botox. However, this may occur if the patient does not limit their calorie intake. It is very important for the patient to adapt to their diet for optimum benefit after gastric Botox injection. In case of not eating due to the feeling of fullness and not following the eating times, it may be possible to face serious risks as the body will be forced to produce energy.

    How Should Nutrition Be After Stomach Botox?

    After gastric Botox is performed, patients can continue their daily lives within 3-4 hours. Usually, there is no need to stay in the hospital. Although the success rate is over 90%, weight loss in patients who have undergone stomach Botox may vary for each patient. Generally, up to 20 kilos are lost in the first months, and then 15 kilos per month. It may be 10 to 15 kilos in the last months. Of course, only stomach Botox is not enough for this. It is important to follow the diet regularly and exercise regularly after the procedure.

    Liquid nutrition is applied for the first 3 days after stomach Botox. Then, a protein-based diet should be started at main and snack meals because protein is difficult to digest, it slows the passage of the stomach, and due to its fat-burning properties, it can increase the effect of stomach Botox in the weight loss process.

    In the first 4 months, the consumption of liquids such as water, herbal tea, tea without sugar, and soup should be maximized. Sugary and acidic foods and fast food should be avoided. During this period, patients should focus on healthy eating and changing their eating habits. Applying the right diet increases the effect of the stomach Botox procedure and contributes to the patient’s healthy weight loss process. Since alcohol and smoking directly affect the stomach muscles, they should be quitted 2 weeks before the application and should be avoided thereafter.