What is Breast Lift Surgery?

Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, is performed in Turkey. Breast lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure designed to lift and reshape sagging breasts, giving them a more youthful and lifted appearance. This surgery is suitable for individuals who have experienced breast sagging due to factors such as aging, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or genetics.

Breast Lift Surgery Steps

1. Consultation and Planning

  • Choosing a Surgeon: Select a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced in breast lifts.
  • Initial Consultation: Discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns. The surgeon will evaluate your breasts’ size, shape, and skin quality, and may take photographs for your medical record.
  • Surgical Plan: The surgeon will recommend a specific breast lift technique based on your breast size and shape, the size and position of your areolas, the degree of breast sagging, and skin quality.

2. Preoperative Preparations

  • Medical Evaluations: Complete any required lab testing or medical evaluations.
  • Pre-surgery Instructions: These may include guidelines on eating, drinking, and adjusting or avoiding certain medications and supplements that can increase bleeding risk.
  • Recovery Preparation: Arrange for someone to drive you home and help you during your initial recovery period.

3. Anesthesia

  • Administration of Anesthesia: Breast lift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia, ensuring you are asleep and comfortable throughout the procedure.

4. The Surgical Procedure

  • Incision Patterns: The specific pattern depends on your individual case but can include:
    • Around the areola (periareolar)
    • Around the areola and vertically down to the breast crease (lollipop)
    • Around the areola, vertically down to the breast crease, and horizontally along the breast crease (anchor)
  • Lifting and Reshaping: Excess skin is removed, and breast tissue is lifted and reshaped to improve breast contour and firmness. The nipple and areola may be repositioned to a more youthful height.
  • Closing the Incisions: Sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape close the skin. The sutures are usually layered within the breast tissue to create and support the newly shaped breasts.

5. Recovery

  • Immediate Postoperative Care: You’ll be taken to a recovery area to be closely monitored as you wake from anesthesia.
  • Home Recovery: You’ll receive instructions on how to care for your breasts, medications to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection, and when to follow up with your surgeon.
  • Support Garments: You may need to wear a special support bra or elastic bandage to minimize swelling and support the breasts as they heal.

6. Postoperative Care and Observation

  • Activity Restrictions: Avoid strenuous activities for at least a few weeks after surgery as recommended by your surgeon.
  • Pain Management: Pain, swelling, and bruising are common, and you’ll likely be prescribed medication to manage discomfort.
  • Monitoring: It’s important to attend all follow-up appointments and to monitor your breasts for any signs of complication.

7. Long-term Care and Outcome

  • Scar Management: Scars are permanent but will gradually fade and improve over time. Your surgeon may recommend scar treatment options.
  • Maintaining Results: Maintaining a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle can help preserve the results of your breast lift.


    Breast Aesthetics

    Breast Lift Surgery Cost in Turkey

    The average cost of breast lift surgery in Turkey ranges from $2,000 to $4,000. This includes the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, hospital fees, and accommodation. The specific cost of the procedure will vary depending on the extent of excess skin, the desired outcome, the surgeon’s experience, and the complexity of the procedure.

    RegionAverage Breast Lift Surgery Cost
    Turkey$2,000 – $4,000 or more
    USA$8,000 – $12,000 or more
    Canada$8,000 – $12,000 or more
    UK£5,000 – £8,000 or more
    AustraliaAUD 8,000 – AUD 15,000 or more
    Germany€8,000 – €10,000 or more
    France€7,000 – €10,000 or more

    Why does Breast Lift Surgery Cost in Turkey Cheap?

    • Exchange rate: Favorable exchange rates for foreign currencies relative to the Turkish lira can make procedures even cheaper for international patients.
    • Standardized procedures: Many Turkish clinics employ standardized protocols and techniques for common procedures like Breast Augmentation Surgery, achieving efficiency and cost savings.


      Breast Lift Surgery Before and After Photos

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      Breast Lift Surgery Turkey Reviews

      Is it Safe To Have A Breast Lift Surgery in Turkey?

      Having arm lifting, or brachioplasty, in Turkey can be safe, provided that you carefully select your healthcare provider. Turkey is well-regarded for its medical tourism industry, offering a wide range of cosmetic and medical procedures at competitive prices. The country has numerous highly qualified plastic surgeons and state-of-the-art medical facilities that adhere to international standards.

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        Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Lift Surgery

        There are several reasons why individuals choose to get a breast lift in Turkey. Here are some potential advantages:


        Quality healthcare infrastructure: Turkey has made significant investments in its healthcare system, and many hospitals and clinics in the country are equipped with modern facilities and advanced medical technology. The country has numerous internationally accredited hospitals and experienced plastic surgeons who are trained in performing breast lift procedures.


        Highly skilled plastic surgeons: Turkey is known for its skilled and qualified plastic surgeons. Many surgeons in Turkey have received training and education both domestically and internationally, and they often have extensive experience in performing breast lift surgeries. Choosing a reputable and experienced surgeon increases the likelihood of achieving satisfactory results.


        Competitive pricing: Turkey is often recognized for offering affordable plastic surgery procedures compared to many other countries. The cost of a breast lift in Turkey can be significantly lower than in Western countries or other popular medical tourism destinations. This can make the procedure more accessible to individuals who may not be able to afford it elsewhere.


        Combined medical tourism opportunities: Turkey is a popular destination for medical tourism due to its blend of quality healthcare services and attractive tourism opportunities. Patients who choose to undergo a breast lift in Turkey can also enjoy the country’s rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes, and historic sites, creating a memorable and enjoyable experience.


        Privacy and confidentiality: Many individuals prefer to maintain their privacy when undergoing cosmetic procedures. Turkey provides a level of anonymity for those seeking aesthetic treatments, as patients can enjoy their recovery in a new environment away from their familiar surroundings.


        International patient services: Several clinics and hospitals in Turkey have dedicated international patient services departments. These departments provide assistance with travel arrangements, accommodation, language translation, and overall coordination of the treatment process. They aim to ensure that international patients have a smooth and comfortable experience during their stay.


        While there are advantages to getting a breast lift in Turkey, it’s crucial to thoroughly research and choose a reputable and accredited clinic or hospital with experienced plastic surgeons. Carefully evaluate the qualifications and credentials of the medical professionals, read patient reviews, and consider having a consultation before making a final decision.

        Getting a breast lift in Turkey can be safe if you choose a reputable clinic or hospital and an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon. Like any medical procedure, there are risks involved, but these risks can be minimized by taking appropriate precautions and ensuring the highest standards of care. Here are some factors to consider for a safe breast lift in Turkey:


        Research and choose a reputable facility: Look for clinics or hospitals with a good reputation, positive patient reviews, and appropriate accreditations. Consider factors such as the facility’s cleanliness, adherence to safety protocols, and overall quality of care.


        Verify the credentials of the surgeon: Ensure that the plastic surgeon performing the breast lift is board-certified and has extensive experience in performing breast lift surgeries. Research the surgeon’s qualifications, training, and track record. You can also request before-and-after photos of previous patients to assess their results.


        Consultation and communication: Schedule a consultation with the surgeon before the procedure. This allows you to discuss your goals, expectations, and any concerns you may have. A reputable surgeon will provide a thorough examination, explain the procedure, discuss potential risks and complications, and address your questions.


        Quality and safety standards: Inquire about the facility’s adherence to quality and safety standards. Ensure that they maintain proper sterilization protocols, have emergency response procedures in place, and prioritize patient safety. Accredited clinics and hospitals often follow strict guidelines to ensure patient well-being.


        Pre-operative assessments: Your surgeon should conduct a comprehensive pre-operative assessment to evaluate your health and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. They may request medical tests, review your medical history, and discuss any pre-existing conditions or medications that could affect the surgery or recovery.


        Post-operative care and follow-up: A safe breast lift procedure includes appropriate post-operative care and follow-up visits. The surgeon should provide detailed instructions for recovery, wound care, and any necessary medications. They should also schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your healing process and address any concerns or complications that may arise.


        Travel and accommodation considerations: If you are traveling to Turkey for the procedure, ensure that you plan your travel and accommodation arrangements well in advance. It’s important to have a comfortable and stress-free recovery environment during your stay.


        Remember that every surgical procedure carries some inherent risks, such as infection, bleeding, scarring, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. It’s important to discuss these risks with your surgeon and understand the potential complications associated with a breast lift.


        By choosing a reputable facility, an experienced surgeon, and following proper pre- and post-operative care instructions, you can enhance the safety of your breast lift procedure in Turkey.

        Yes, it is possible for the breasts to sag again after a breast lift surgery. While a breast lift can provide significant improvement in breast shape and position, the natural aging process, gravity, and other factors can still affect the breasts over time.


        The following factors can contribute to post-operative sagging:


        Aging: As we age, the skin loses elasticity, and the breast tissue may gradually stretch and sag. While a breast lift can address sagging at the time of the procedure, the aging process will continue, and some degree of sagging can occur again in the future.


        Weight fluctuations: Significant weight gain or loss can affect the appearance of the breasts. Fluctuations in weight can cause changes in breast volume and impact the skin’s elasticity, potentially leading to sagging over time.


        Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Pregnancy and breastfeeding can have an impact on breast shape and position. The hormonal changes, weight gain, and milk production during pregnancy can stretch the breast skin and tissue. While a breast lift can be performed after pregnancy and breastfeeding to restore the breasts’ appearance, subsequent pregnancies and breastfeeding may cause sagging to occur again.


        Genetics: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to sagging breasts. Even with a breast lift, the underlying genetic factors can contribute to the breasts sagging again over time.


        While a breast lift can provide long-lasting results, it does not halt the natural aging process or prevent other factors that can affect breast appearance. To help maintain the results of a breast lift and minimize sagging:


        Maintain a stable weight: Fluctuations in weight can impact breast appearance. It’s important to maintain a healthy and stable weight following the surgery.


        Wear a supportive bra: Wearing a well-fitted, supportive bra can help provide additional support to the breasts and minimize sagging.


        Follow a healthy lifestyle: Engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, and avoiding smoking can contribute to overall skin and tissue health.


        It’s essential to have realistic expectations and understand that while a breast lift can provide long-lasting improvement, it does not permanently prevent the natural effects of aging, gravity, or lifestyle factors. Regular follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon can help monitor your breast appearance over time and address any concerns that arise.

        Breastfeeding after a breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, can be possible for some women, but it’s important to note that there are factors to consider that may affect breastfeeding ability. These factors include the surgical technique used, the extent of the procedure, and individual variations in milk ducts and glandular tissue.


        Here are a few points to consider regarding breastfeeding after a breast lift surgery:


        Preservation of milk ducts: In a breast lift procedure, the surgeon aims to preserve the milk ducts and nipple-areola complex to maintain breastfeeding ability. However, there is a possibility of some disruption or damage to the milk ducts during the surgery, which could impact milk flow.


        Nipple repositioning: During a breast lift, the position of the nipples is often adjusted to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing result. This repositioning may involve detaching and reattaching the nipples, which can potentially affect the milk supply or breastfeeding experience.


        Degree of breast lift: The extent of the breast lift procedure can influence breastfeeding ability. If the surgery involves significant reshaping and removal of breast tissue, it may have a greater impact on milk production and breastfeeding than a more conservative lift.


        Individual variation: Every woman’s body is unique, and there can be variations in milk ducts, glandular tissue, and the overall ability to produce milk. Some women may experience no disruption in their ability to breastfeed after a breast lift, while others may face challenges or have reduced milk production.


        It’s important to have a detailed discussion with your plastic surgeon during the pre-operative consultation to understand the potential impact of a breast lift on breastfeeding. Your surgeon can provide specific information based on the surgical plan and your individual circumstances.


        If breastfeeding is a significant concern for you, it’s essential to communicate this to your surgeon, who can consider techniques that prioritize preserving milk ducts and maintaining breastfeeding ability. Additionally, it’s advisable to consult with a lactation specialist or a healthcare professional experienced in breastfeeding to provide guidance and support if you plan to breastfeed after a breast lift surgery.

        Breast lift surgery, like any surgical procedure, involves some degree of pain and discomfort. However, the level of pain experienced by individuals can vary based on several factors, including individual pain tolerance, surgical technique, and the extent of the procedure.


        Here are a few points to consider regarding breastfeeding after a breast lift surgery:


        Preservation of milk ducts: In a breast lift procedure, the surgeon aims to preserve the milk ducts and nipple-areola complex to maintain breastfeeding ability. However, there is a possibility of some disruption or damage to the milk ducts during the surgery, which could impact milk flow.


        Nipple repositioning: During a breast lift, the position of the nipples is often adjusted to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing result. This repositioning may involve detaching and reattaching the nipples, which can potentially affect the milk supply or breastfeeding experience.


        Degree of breast lift: The extent of the breast lift procedure can influence breastfeeding ability. If the surgery involves significant reshaping and removal of breast tissue, it may have a greater impact on milk production and breastfeeding than a more conservative lift.


        Individual variation: Every woman’s body is unique, and there can be variations in milk ducts, glandular tissue, and the overall ability to produce milk. Some women may experience no disruption in their ability to breastfeed after a breast lift, while others may face challenges or have reduced milk production.

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